Standard #8 Instructional Strategies

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to access and appropriately apply information

Artifacts: Lesson Plan On Book- Fish In A Tree & Diverse learners Essay

In this assignment, we had to create a lesson plan based on a book we read for class. My group and I chose fourth grade and I picked a literacy standard to do a lesson round as if I was a teacher and my class had just read the book. While doing the lesson plan I had to think about different classroom environment considerations as well as how I would differentiate the product, process, and content for a whole class. This relates to this standard because I had to break down what I would teach so that my students were able to develop deep thinking of the book we just read while also teaching about one of the common core standards. Then after we wrote our final lesson plans, we were then given two students that have a disability of some kind that would then be in our classes. I then had to accommodate my lesson plan as I now had a student that was reading way below grade level and a student that was not able to move her legs or arms. I think that making these very real changes to my lesson plan made me realize that all sorts of students will be in my future classrooms and I will need to be accommodating to all. I found that this part of the assignment connected to this standard as I had to come up with multiple ideas for how I was going to teach the lesson. I understood what I needed to change in my lesson and I had to come up with new instructional strategies that better accommodated my students so that they still felt comfortable in my class and were still engaged in the lesson.

These two assignments were very realistic and made me stronger as I am becoming closer to being a teacher. It made me think about how I will have students with all types of backgrounds and disabilities in my classroom and things made need to change for them. This assignment made me realize that I sometimes will create a lesson but it will also need to change and I will have to add to it on the fly if a student does not understand something or I will need to consider some of my student’s personal needs. This assignment made me improve my thinking when creating lesson plans. It also made me stronger at making lesson plans since I did not always think about these different accommodations in my lessons, I had always just made them for an overall class period and never a personal student need.