The teacher draws upon knowledge of content areas, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community, and pedagogy to plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals.
Artifact: Mini-Lesson for writing Mentee
This artifact is a mini-lesson that I made for the 4th grader that I am mentoring. After looking at a few of his writing pieces I noticed that he still used lower case letters when starting a sentence and even wrote lower case I’s in the middle of sentences. I then chose to do my mini-lesson on when to do capital letters. I first asked him when he thought we used capital letters just to see if he even knew when. He then did respond with the correct answers. I then had a couple of sentences that we corrected together with different words that would need to be capital. After going through the sentences we then just talked about what we did and reviewed a little poster that would help him in the future.
This assignment relates to this standard because this mini-lesson is just a snapshot of what I will have to do with lesson planning in the future. I took information from the student, what he needs to review, and then took that information and made a PowerPoint about that topic. This presentation was made just for one student but I could have used it for multiple different students, or a whole class even just because it is a specific topic that any student could easily forget when writing. Creating this mini-lesson and going over capital letters with him again, I believe that he will now double-check his writing making him closer to his learning goals.