The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners.
Artifact: The Impact of Trauma on the Brain Slide Show
In this assignment, we had to take what we learned about the different parts of the brain and convert that into a visual aid. After explaining in our own words each part of the brain, we had to explain how that part of the brain could be affected by the different adverse childhood experiences and stresses. Also in my presentation, I explained how this would look in the classroom, different symptoms, and examples for each part of the brain. For example one of the parts was the hippocampus. This part of the brain controls your memory and how you learn. If this part of the brain gets damaged then students will forget lessons you teach by the next day or will ask you to repeat yourself for directions multiple times. This relates to this standard by understanding the central concepts of students. How the brain works then allows me to better understand how students learn and how each part of the brain works to learn as well. This assignment relates to the tools of inquiry because it would be like students asking me to repeat myself every time we start a new lesson. I then would be gathering that information about this student and then getting help from experts since I have now learned that this could be because the student could have a damaged hippocampus.
By doing this assignment I have learned more about how specifically a student will learn. Also, I now know about different signs in a student if parts of their brain are damaged. This knowledge will help me improve as a better teacher. I now know deeper about how students learn.