Standard #11 Technology Standards for Teachers – (NETS-T*):

Effective teachers model and apply the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S**) as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. Please see the following ISTE Standards Teachers and ISTE Standards Students pages.

*Now known as ISTE Standards Teachers **Now known as ISTE Standards Students

Edu110 Final:

Mission statement

Artifact #1- Bitmoji Classroom

This artifact is my very own bitmoji classroom. Here you can find a slide that is set up for an online learning experience while still staying connected with my students and vise versa. You can click in this classroom to find the class schedule and see that it changes depending on what day it is, you can click on the book to hear a read aloud and many other interactive tools. 

I choose this artifact because I will most likely be using this for the future in my own classroom. Bitmoji classrooms are fun and keep students engaged while also getting their work done. By doing this assignment I have learned how technology can be easily used in the classroom, that also allows me to give out school work and keep students on task. This relates to the standard because it is a positive model for the students, colleagues and community because I have made it so that parents and other teachers can use it as well to keep connected on what is going on in the classroom. Other teachers that I will work with in the future may not know about this tool and how easy it is and interactive that it can be, allowing students to then have multiple online classrooms for every class and it keeps the students organized. I believe that I have met this standard with this assignment because as a future educator I am better myself with these technology tools and my future students, by opening so many different possibilities to learn.

Artifact #2- Digital PSA

This artifact is a digital Citizenship public service announcement, for this assessment we had to create our own and share it with the class. Here is my Kahoot which is a game that anyone can play just by logging onto any device which has questions all about how to be safe online. In this Kahoot there are true and false questions and multiple-choice questions all about different ways to be safe while using technology. 

This artifact I found to be one of the most Important lessons I learned this year. I always knew about how to be safe online and with social media but yet I learned so much more. That is why I chose this assignment as an artifact because if it can teach me so much it can teach others so much more as well. This demonstrates to this standard because it can inspire my students that as they are growing up and technology is becoming a part of their world, they will learn important tools for the future. The Kahoot game part of this assignment I found that since I would like to teach elementary students that incorporating the information into a game student will learn the material by also having fun with it and that is exactly why Kahoot is a digital age learning experience for elementary students.  I would like to use Kahoot and many other digital tools in my future with teaching because it allows myself to get creative but also my students as well because they can learn the material, but they also can realize that there are a lot of tools that can help you learn and study from.