Quick write #3
Write for 10 minutes about this picture
While looking at this picture it made me think about ‘The Office’ episode where Pam and Jim get married at Niagara Falls. In this episode, they both ditch their real wedding because their friends and family were being too much for them and took a boat tour and got married on the boat tour. Now I don’t think that I would ever get married on a boat tour but it does make me think about how in love two people have to be to skip their own wedding and jump on a boat. I have never been to Niagara Falls, and it probably is amazing and romantic but not my top choice. My dad has talked about wanting to go, so it definitely is on my bucket list. Also in this picture I notice the water there are shapes of water bottles and it makes me think about how a community in the world needs to be taking better protecting of the oceans and waters. I wonder if that is what the illustrator was trying to convey there? If we don’t take care of our waters, we won’t be able to take beautiful boat tours and see amazing things.