Q: Does Homework actually help students learn?
In my opinion, I do not think that homework helps students learn. Based on what I have learned in multiple of my education classes we need to consider what students have after school. Students may need to take care of family members, or siblings while parents are at work. This could take up most of their time after school if they need to cook dinner or drive to other commitments, and students may not have physically enough time to sit down and do homework. I also believe that students are in school for more than six hours a day, when they go home they should be having a break from learning. School is a full-time job for students, outside of all other commitments that there already have. If homework is given I believe that it should be a review or extra practice, not something that a student will struggle with for a long period of time. Homework should be something that students have already learned, not something that they need to learn on their own. Based on my personal experiences sometimes I have to be held back from some experiences because I have homework, and it creates more stress and anxiety. Students are already under enough stress knowing that they have to work towards what they will be doing for the rest of their life that creating more stress from homework isn’t counted for. Also based on my own experiences sometimes the homework that is given is just busywork that the teacher needs to give out just for another grade and not something that is actually interesting to their future.