Final Reflection Blog Post #3
Outcome #3
For this outcome I have chosen to reflect on my third blog post. This post was about the essay written by Lesli Jamison called ‘Devil’s Bait’. I chose this one because at first this essay was confusing, and I had to read parts over many times. With this I took many annotations, for example I asked many questions and wrote them in my annotations, even as simple as “why?” I would write down. Another type of annotation that I used very often with this post because it was talking about a disease, whenever the essay talked about symptoms or different experiences I would circle or make a mark around those parts to make sure I know where those details are. I find that many of my annotations when there is something important that I may need to quote later on or find the exact detail I usually circle or underline. I also find myself relating to these pieces especially but other readings too. While reading I find that I connect it to my life or something I know in my life that’s real. I then write these connections down while reading, to remember how I connected with that exact moment. For example, with the piece by Jamison, it is about this mysterious disease that doctors didn’t know what was happening to them. I related to this deeply because I had a medical problem that many doctors couldn’t figure out, it was almost as mysterious as the disease in this essay. This is where when I was reading, I was personally connecting. Evening tually my abnormal eye movement was figured out, unlike the Morgellons but I still find myself relating to this piece on a personal level.