Active Reading

Blog Post #4

After watching the excerpts from the Dawn of the Dead the first thesis from Jeffery Cohen’s Monster’s Culture makes the most connections to the film. The first thesis says that ‘The Monsters’ body is a culture body’ and stating that when a monster’s body picks up on fear, anxiety, and desires, giving them life and independent. I find that this part of the first thesis relates to how the zombies in the film are coming to life and the connection between real human life and zombies. Real life humans pick up when someone is feeling scared or anxious and that’s also what zombies do. In the first few minutes of the film they talk about how the dead are coming to life and they are killing for food. Now in real life we don’t kill humans, but we kill animals and we life off the animals. Even though it’s not a human that we kill and eat but we kill cows, chickens and lambs all to eat. Then later on in the film where Roger is infected and will be turning into a zombie, they talk about how they cannot do anything to help the infection not spread. Now I find that part to be pretty relevant to today’s world with the virus going around. Even though the virus effecting Roger is turning him into a zombie to COVIN19 virus is killing and harming many. This then connects to the point in the first thesis where Cohen states that monsters have many secrets, and tying that to today’s world, the virus could be todays monster. The solution to the virus is a secret and the monster is keeping the secret.  There is many very underlying connecting between the film and today’s world and the article by Cohen.